Some of my coursemates have sleepness nights, that includes myself. Most of the time, we sleep during the day and stay awake at night. Can become batman already.
And sometimes we are really busy until have got no time to eat. We only eat 1 meal per day when the submission is near. When it is late at night in the hostel, we look for maggee to eat.
Cham lah. I think our lives as architecture students are a few days, or even weeks shorter than the other people.
And not only that, we have to spend money to print our presentation board. I am not talking of printing A4, but A2 and A1 sizes. With colour somemore! One sheet is A1 colour printing can cost up to RM25. Imagine we hav about 7-10 sheets of paper to be printed out.
I must say during the submission of our final studio project, the owner of printing shops in Taman U are the happiest person. So I guess opening a printing shop nearby an architecture or any other design institute is a not bad idea after all. Hehe.
Now that the submission is over. I can finally have a good time to rest and don't wana care much about the rest first, though the finals is starting in days.
Anyway, these are some of the pics during the assessment yesterday:
At night, Choon Wah and I went to the studio with Jenny and Chiou Yann after dinner. This is where I normally hang out at night to online because the connection in my room suuuucks.
We stayed there until the 5am in the morning. Tomorrow might be going City Square for a movie. Must find some entertainment to do and nice food to eat already.