I was shopping at 1 Utama with family during the last weekend. On that same day Spiderman was having a day break to have a photo taking session with the kids.
Spiderman (not the front guy, the back one)
Spiderman's shooting the sticky stuff
Spiderman's butt1 Utama was having a carnival to promote their ONE card on that day. Few of my friends were working there. And few days before that, Taw Jin called and asked if I wana get a part time job for only a day. What we needed to do was to pack the goodie bags. The pay was RM75 from 10am til 7pm. I agreed to him since I got nothing to do at home and at the same time I can earn some side income. Taw Jin was looking for two person so I called Perry along, since he is also doing nothing at home during the holiday.
At 1 Utama Perry and I looked for the Teresa, the person in charge, which happen to be my ex-classmate’s sister! She brought us into a room where all the vouchers and coupons were. Another girl was already there. Our job was to arrange the vouchers and coupons and to be put into the goodie bags later on.
Stacks of vouchers
Perry doing his work.After finish arranging all the vouchers, we then moved to an empty outlet downstairs where we were going to pack it into the goodie bags. We were also require to put in bottles of mineral water, 1U magazines, chocolates, notebooks etc. into the bags. And we were required to pack 3000 of them!!!
Blackout for 40 mins on that day
Our hideout
Inside the hideoutBy the time it was 6.30pm, we only managed to pack about 1500 goodie bags. So Teresa asked whether Perry and I could come on the following day. And we will be paid extra. Well, both of us agreed since we have nothing to do at home except sleeping.
On the next day, Perry and I continue to pack the goodie bags. We had to open the paper bags, arrange them accordingly, then insert all the stuff into it, one by one. As the place was limited, we had to stack them up together so that we can arrange the other paper bags. We finished packing at about 9 something at night. Then Perry's dad fetched us back.
A dinner treat by the boss' daughter of 1 Utama (far right)
The goodie bags we packed
thanks for the goody bag..lol,
we took some home as well..
hehe. i dint take the bag. but i took some of the vouchers. =p
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